Is your computer giving you problems? Can’t really figure out how to fix it yourself? Wondering if you should bring your computer to a professional? Looking for a computer repair shop in Richfield? At Chipheads Computer Repair we provide a range of computer repair services throughout the Twin Cities areas. You can bring your computer to our shop, mail it in, we can visit your location to provide repairs and in some cases even work on your device remotely. Today, we’re discussing some signs it may be time to visit a professional for your computer repair needs.

Blue Screens of Death
Are you suddenly being greeted with blue screens, followed by your computer shutting down? These error screens are often known as “blue screens of death” and can happen for a wide variety of reasons.
No Longer Charging
Has your laptop stopped charging? Not sure if it is your battery, charging cord or even the charging port? We would be happy to diagnose the exact reason your computer is no longer charging and get it back in working order.
Computer Randomly Shuts Down
Has your tablet, laptop or desktop computer started randomly shutting down? This can also occur for a variety of reasons, including software problems and hardware failure. We can properly diagnose and address your computer’s issue.
Computer Keeps Getting Slower
Has your computer continued to get slower and slower by the day? Not sure why? There are a variety of reasons a computer can start to slow down, some more serious than others. We’d be happy to determine why exactly your computer is losing speed.
Contact Our Computer Repair Shop in Richfield Today
Experiencing blue screens? Charging problems? Computer shutting down randomly? Device running slower and slower by the day? For any of your Richfield computer repair needs, contact Chipheads Computer Repair!