On January 14, 2020, Windows 7 became unsupported for most computer users, meaning those that using it are at a higher risk than users of Windows 8 and/or Windows 10. Today, Chipheads Computer Repair in Richfield is discussing Windows 7 End of Life and answering some of the ost commonly asked questions. If you have additional questions, need computer repair in Richfield or are interested in upgrading, feel free to reach out for a free quote. We’re always happy to help.

Can my existing computer be upgraded to Windows 10?
Most computers will be able to be upgraded quite easily. There are certain requirements though which can be viewed here. Still not sure if your device is compatible to be upgraded to Windows 10? Feel free to reach out to Chipheads, we’d be happy to let you know and get you added to our schedule.
What will happen if I continue to use Windows 7 on my computer?
You can still use Windows 7 on your computer, however, it won’t be receiving important updates such as security. This will leave your computers and users at a higher risk for security breaches and other problems.
Can Windows 7 Still Be Installed?
Yes, you can still install Windows 7 on a device, however, this is not recommended.
Can You Still Activate Windows 7?
Yes, Windows 7 can still be activated, however, it is best that you upgrade your devices.
How can I keep everyone safe while migrating?
Those using Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Enterprise can purchase extended security updates through January 2023. Those without Professional or Enterprise cannot receive continued support.
Upgrade Your Computers to Windows 10 Today
Interested in upgrading your Windows 7 device? Ready to migrate to Windows 10? Contact Chipheads Computer Repair in Richfield, Minnesota. We would be delighted to help with any of your computer needs.