When it comes to new operating systems, there tend to be quite a few pros and cons, especially when the operating system first launches. Windows 11 has been out for a bit now and people are starting to talk a bit about their favorite and least favorite features of Microsoft’s latest creation. Today, we’re discussing the pros and cons of Windows 11 in hopes it can help you decide if it is right for you. Have more questions? Interested in scheduling an appointment with our computer repair shop in Twin Cities, Minnesota? Reach out to Chipheads Computer Repair today for any of your needs.

Pros of Windows 11
Windows 11 looks wonderful… It would appear they’ve taken some notes from Apple when it comes to UI design. Things look sleeker, almost glass-like. There are rounded corners, drop shadows and other features that make it one of the best-looking Microsoft operating systems in many peoples’ eyes. The taskbar looks and operates a bit differently as well, being able to be placed centrally (some touch screen users prefer it) along with placed how it usually was.
Windows 11 brings back widgets… For some people, having widgets easily accessible with information such as weather, news, etc. is an important feature that has been brought back. There are various widgets to select from and more will most likely be added over time.
Windows 11 has snap layouts and groups… These features can make it easier to juggle a handful of tasks on a single screen. For many on-the-go with laptops and tablets, having the ability to quickly move between programs, tabs, screens, etc. is highly important. Windows 11 allows users to use Android apps on their devices… Android has some pretty awesome applications that aren’t featured in other places like computers. Many had to resort to emulating Android devices to run these applications. Now with Windows 11 and the Amazon Store, many Android applications can be used right from your Windows 11 computer. Interested in the cons of Windows 11? Check back next week!
We Can Help Upgrade Your Computer To Windows 11 Today
Think Windows 11 is right for you and your device? Contact Chipheads Computer Repair in Richfield, MN today. We would be happy to help with any of your computer needs.